And you run and you run to catch up with the sun but it's sinking. Racing around to come up behind you again. The sun is the same in a relative way but you're older. Shorter of breath and one day closer to death.
"Pink Floyd
Time is the one and only commodity you can never get back. It is one
of the most precious you have and the one that you may often take
for granted, since you can be blinded by the illusion that you will
always have THE time.
This is where I would like to introduce the concept of AWARENESS
of time.
Have you ever noticed that some activities take forever and
others, in contrast feel like they ended in a split-second?
Your experience of time is inherently connected to your level of
commitment to whatever activity you are in. When you are engaged
in a pleasurable activity, time SEEMS to fly. When you are forced to
engage, resistance tends to shows up.
Let’s take a moment to define the resistance and its state of mind:
You are busy resisting the activity that you are engaged in. This is
very different from being fully and mindfully engaged in that said
activity, in which you are immersed in the moment, and your thought
process is aligned with your action.
In that light, your perception and experience of time changes whether
you are in the moment, or BUSY resisting.
Less is more!
Time gives you the opportunity to see the connection between all
things. After resisting one too many times, you reach the deep
understanding that only with time will the crescent become a full
moon; and when you see a thorn, you know that the rose is not far
away; and when you see the dusk, darkness is right around the
corner; and when you are inspired, creativity is what happens next.
Time abolishes the invisible lines that divide the whole into
disconnected parts: beginnings and ends, sunrise and dawn, inhale
and exhale, life and death.
At what point does one turn into the other and where do I draw the
non-existent line between the inhale and the exhale? At what moment
in my life do I stop living and start dying? At what time do I identify
that specific point that shifts my perspective drastically from one
opposite to the other, of THE WHOLE.
Slowing things down allows us to perceive these concepts as wholes,
as one, moving us away from judgment of others, from being
constantly busy and consequently stressed, from NEEDING to push
through instead of taking a well-deserved and necessary break.
This unique moment that has just passed, it will never come back.
Thinking about the moment that has just passed will release the grief
of what no longer is. Thinking about the moment that is yet to come
will trigger fear of the unknown. Being in the now offers the ever so
precious experience of timelessness. The impression that time does
not exist.
